
Teach Me to Be Wise, Lord

Devotional for 6/3/11

“Teach me good judgment, wise and right discernment, and knowledge,
for I have believed (trusted, relied on, and clung to) Your commandments.”

Psalm 119 verse 66 in the Amplified Bible
Have you ever thought that whatever it is that you are doing today will most definitely have an effect on your tomorrow? None of us know what tomorrow will bring. We don’t know if it will be a hardship, or a blessing. We don’t know if we will be strong enough to handle whatever it is that might come our way. It is safe to say that not one of us can ever really know when or even how our faith in the Lord will be tested.

What I do know is this: the choices that we make today will surely affect our ability to endure whatever it is that comes our way tomorrow. When I think about this, I ask begin to ask myself several questions. I ask myself how I am doing spiritually. Am I reading my Bible? Am I spending time in prayer? Am I spending time in the Lord’s presence? Am I becoming more deeply acquainted with His voice and with the way in which He speaks to me?
Am I spending time with those who can challenge me in my own personal and spiritual growth? Am I spending time with those who can encourage me? Am I positioning myself into a place of instruction? What type of character do the people have that I choose to be around? What types of decisions are those people making in and for their own lives?

All of these questions are important, but the answers to them are even more so. They will give us an insight into where we will find ourselves in the future. If we are wise in these choices today, they will play a huge part in where we will end up tomorrow. I believe it is a healthy thing for us to challenge ourselves and to “take inventory” of where we are at emotionally, spiritually, mentally, socially and physically.
I have seen all too many times the devastation that results in a person’s life when a situation arises in which they were not prepared to handle. None of us can ever be totally prepared for tomorrow. However, there are certain things that we can do that will help us to be better prepared. My closing thought is this; perhaps the most important thing that we can do today is to spend more time with the Lord, for whenever we do this we are making the very wisest of investments for our future.

Written by Beverley A Napier

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