
Trust With Abandonment

I recently had a dream, where in the midst of it I heard the words "trust in me." Waking up that morning I recalled those words very vividly. I knew that was God speaking directly to me. They were very comforting words. I now realize God is calling me to a much deeper trust in Him.
He doesn't want me to just passively trust Him, but PASSIONATELY trust Him. God wants me to trust Him in the good times and the most difficult times as well. We all know that it is not too difficult to trust the Lord when things are going well. It's those really hard times when it is almost impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That is when we most need to cling to Him and completely lay hold of Him with "great abandonment."

The word trust means to have confidence and security in the Lord. It is only in Christ that we can have that strong confidence and security and that He will see us through to the end.

Only He will deliver us and hide us under the shadow of His wings. He will walk us through to the very end, if we will but look to the rock. My God is worthy of all my trust.

Only Him and Him alone will I put my trust!


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