
We Are Highly Valuable To God

My husband and I were at a city park recently. The park had a beautiful pond with ducks,turtles and lots of small fish. We had lots of fun feeding all of them with the bread crumbs we had brought. Smaller birds caught on that dinner was being served, so many began to gather around us just waiting for that right moment to catch a crumb. In the midst of all the activity, out of the corner of my eye I spotted a sparrow. It hung out by the pond for a few moments then as quickly as it came it flew away. Immediately my mind went to the scriptures in Matthew 10:29-31, about the sparrows where is says, " Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father's will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."

God knows precisely when every sparrow falls to the ground. In this universe, that's thousands of sparrows! How much more valuable are we his people to Christ! We can not even begin to fathom how highly important our Lord sees us and cares about us. God is concerned with the very smallest details of our life; even to the point of knowing exactly how many hairs we have on our head. That tells me He is so deeply concerned and involved in our life where we can't even comprehend.

When I read those scriptures out of Matthew, it warms and stirs my heart to a place that I want to know Him more. I desire to have an even greater, intimate relationship with Jesus. I want to run to Him and sit in His lap and hold on to Him as tightly as I can. He knows my life inside out and I want to allow God into my life where I can know Him in greater ways.

God is so crazy in love with me that it so delights my heart that words cannot even describe. I am His and cherished in His eyes in an amazing way. There is no greater place to be but in the arms of a God that highly values me for the rest of my days on this earth and with Him eternally.

Written by Sandy

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