
With Knowledge Comes Responsibility…Tell Everyone!

Devotional for June 11,2011

When you study the life of Jesus, specifically the miracles He performed and especially the demons He cast out of men, you find that more often than not, He wanted His identity and miracles to be kept quiet. It seems confusing at first, but there are many reasons for it: not wanting His ministry time cut short due to elders finding out about Him too soon, not wanting to be known as a “road show,” so to speak, when He was mostly concerned with people coming to repentance and saving their souls, demons crying out His identity and falling before Him could reinforce the false accusation that He was performing wonders by the power of Satan, and too many crowds could seriously hinder His ability to preach. There is a story, however, found in Matthew, Mark and Luke where Jesus told the man who was delivered to tell everybody. I wondered why this one was different.

We read that Jesus traveled across the Jordon to a gentile region. Just when He got off the boat, He faced a serious predicament…a man was demon possessed with up towards 2000 demons in him. How do we know this? Jesus asked the name of the possessor. It was “Legion” because they were many. Legion usually means a company of 2000 Roman soldiers. Whether it was exactly 2000 or somewhere near it, this guy was in major torment.

There were some highlights from the story that got me thinking. The demons begged not to be tormented. They asked to be sent into a herd of nearby pigs (afterward, the pigs ran down a steep bank to their death). Though the people may have been offended that their livestock was destroyed, scripture tells us that great fear overcame them only after they saw that the possessed man was now delivered. It was then that they asked Jesus to leave. The man begged Jesus to let him go with Him. Contrary to what He usually says and does, Jesus not only did not shut up the demons who proclaimed that He was God, but He told the demon delivered man to tell everyone what happened. Hmmm…

Well, my mind sometimes takes me to some interesting places, and although it’s mostly speculation, the Holy Spirit uses it to teach me lessons. First of all, how can demons feel tormented? Well, there is a clue in Luke where it speaks about the Abyss. The Abyss is a temporary prison for demons. So, I guess they thought the Abyss would be tormenting. But I wondered if there was more to it. Could it be that they were on assignment? I mean “Legion” brings to mind a company of soldiers on attack. Why would 2000 soldiers go after one man? Wouldn’t they go after much larger territory? I wondered if these demons were on assignment in this gentile region oppressing them through this one man. If they’re not allowed to continue, their superior (who would be Satan) might get awfully upset. Maybe they don’t care about tormenting this man as much as they care about tormenting the area. Then it’s possible that’s the reason they asked to be sent into the pigs. Though, it was in vain since the pigs all became suicidal and turned themselves into ham stew at the bottom of the Jordon.

If that speculation is anywhere in the ballpark, it gives light as to why the people would have been full of fear at the sight of a once demon possessed man now freed from bondage. I’ve read lots of stories of strange cultures and their fearful belief systems. It never ceases to amaze me what the human mind can conjure up in the area of evil superstitious fears. Ultimately, I know that when an entire group of people have become convinced of such evil with parents reinforcing into their children generation after generation, that behind the spiritual curtain are demons on assignment successfully keeping those people in bondage. It would not have been possible to live in the surrounding cities and not know about this man of the tombs. With strength that could rip through chains and shackles, going around naked, cutting himself with sharp rocks and crying out day and night with a voice that echoed throughout the mountains, everyone knew him. Can you imagine children asking their moms and dads what that noise is and why we never go over there? Can you see the wheels spinning in their little minds when they’re told of the man who lives there and they wonder if that could happen to them? No doubt, not only children, but all inhabitants of the area probably wondered, “What if that happens to me?” With one thought leading to another, it’s possible that they thought if the demons came out of him, they would come after everyone else.

With their only spiritual knowledge being that of something evil, I would imagine that they would have difficulty trying to fathom a God of love and righteousness. So here, when a bunch of them received a strange report and they ran to the tombs and found it confirmed, in their fear dominated frame of mind, they turned to Jesus and begged Him to leave. Their only conclusion must have been that He was just as evil as the demons themselves. Not to mention they have to now go on a diet losing all their bacon and sausage.

In a culture so lost, oppressed and confused, I would imagine that the only one who knew the whole truth and nothing but the truth would be that one man who was possessed for who knows how long. Now that he was in his right mind, and looking back over what he had experienced, I would bet that he was no longer confused. After being captive and exposed to nothing but complete evil, there would be no mistaking Jesus for one of them. The demons themselves identified who Jesus was, and the merciful yet powerful actions of this Son of the Most High God opened the eyes and heart of this tormented individual. So, he begged Jesus to take him away. But he was told to stay…not only to stay, to tell everyone what had occurred.

The precautions that Jesus had to take in the Jewish areas in regards to His identity would be of no concern here among the gentiles. More importantly, this man had wonderful news to share with his fellow countrymen. The Lord had mercy on him. Jesus wanted everyone there to know that God is a God of love and mercy. I can also see how this man’s story would lay the groundwork in the hearts of everyone he spoke to for in the very near future, there would be strangers coming to this region with a new message…one of hope, love, and power to overcome…a message that would not only turn this region upside down, but the whole world as well.

My take on this story may not be exactly how it panned out, but it’s definitely a possibility, and most certainly reminds me how important it is to share with others how the Lord has had mercy on me. You never know what kind of misconceptions your own neighbor might have, and you just might be the one to clear them up. Here’s a little bit more information…in Matthew, there were two demon possessed men. Why is it only one is singled out in Mark and Luke? Because he’s the one who not only experienced a physical deliverance, but his heart was changed. Sad how some people can become a recipient of God’s mercy, yet do nothing with it. The man with the changed heart had his mind opened to a powerful kind of knowledge and with knowledge comes responsibility.

Some are called to take the gospel message into faraway lands and some are not, but even those who are called to the mission field are to first share their story to those in their own backyard. Have you experienced God’s mercy? Has your heart and mind been opened to the knowledge of the One True God? If you’ve made a decision to follow Him, then He has an assignment for you and you are responsible to obey it. Tell everyone!

“Go home to your own people
and tell them how much the Lord has done for you,
and how he has had mercy on you.”
Mark 5:19

Amie Spruiell 6/10/2011

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