

Reprinted from September, 2010

I live in the desert in Arizona. It can get quite hot here in the summer, often topping 110 degrees, but if you go out early in the morning, it can be quite pleasant. This is horse country, in spite of the hot, arid climate, and I am blessed to be able to ride. I take English/Dressage lessons, and it is quite a workout, applying pressure to different areas on the horse's body with my legs, rising up and down in the stirrups to the trot, keeping the proper posture of my whole trunk and arms and legs, constantly communicating through my body position and energy as I put the horse through it's many different paces in an arena. It is much more work for me than riding on an easy trail ride.

Yesterday, even in the lesser heat of the morning, I was absolutely exhausted after an hour of constant working on my lesson horse, and I hadn't taken enough water breaks... but I didn't realize it until I dismounted. Then it hit me – I could hardly raise my arms, and my legs felt as if they would collapse. I couldn't even reach up to begin loosening the girth of my saddle which was only just above my waist, and I thought I would never catch my breath. I had become dehydrated and felt faint, almost to the point of heat exhaustion. So, I sprawled on a bench nearby, downed lots of water and poured it on my head and on my bandana, swabbing my face over and over until I gradually regained my strength. I was appreciative of the place to rest and ever so grateful that I only had a very light English saddle to lift from the horse's back after my break. Even then, that was a bit of a chore for my exhausted arms, and I took several more breaks before I was done untacking the horse, cooling her down, and returning her to her stall.

Life is sometimes like that. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in working on something, so focused on the task at hand, trying to solve our own problems, that we don't stop often enough to be refreshed. We don't remember to rely on God and his Word. We become weary with the burdens of life. We can become so exhausted that we feel faint at heart. But there is relief waiting for us when we turn back to God:

“I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”
Jeremiah 31:25

God provides rest for our souls. Gently, he gives us support and comfort. He supplies us with that bench to rest upon, and water to quench our thirst and cool our faces. He refreshes us when we gather with fellow believers and study his Word. He gives us the strength to go on. And he lightens our load, supplying everything needed for life and salvation.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you
and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

Thank you Lord, Jesus, for providing rest for my weary soul, easing my load, supplying all my needs, and refreshing me with your life-giving gift. Help me to always turn to you for help. Amen.

Written by Jan A

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