
" My Security Is In Christ"

Devotional for July 20, 2011

Just today I had a gentleman come to my door to sell us an upgraded, top of the line, security system for our home. He presented us with a great offer that was pretty hard to resist. I am confident that his coming to my door presenting security inspired me to give my devotional on security today.

Daily I am secure in Christ. Daily, moment by moment I can hide away in the arms of Christ. What a peace to know my security is always with me 24 hours a day.

In Psalms 32:7 it says;
"You are my hiding place. You shall preserve me from trouble.
You shall compass me about with songs of deliverance."

That scripture is jam packed with protection for us!

There is no doubt in my mind that our Lord loves us so, and will continuously watch over us and preserve us all the days of our life.
As for the gentleman that came to sell us a security system, my husband and I decided to not accept his offer at this time. What I do know for certain is that my Heavenly Father is the best, top of the line security around! And He provides that security free of charge as I put my life in His hands and trust Him completely!

Now that is an offer I will never refuse!

Written by Sandy

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