
Peace, Be Still

Devotional for July 16, 2011
There’s just something about the calming effect of a strong hand. My son, Garrett, has always had a struggle whenever it came time to wind down. I’ve never before seen a toddler perform so many acrobats in a crib just in an attempt to fall asleep.

Even as an infant, it was a challenge for him. Though we would allow him to cry himself to sleep on a regular basis, sometimes he just needed a little help. His Daddy knew what to do. Slowly yet firmly, my husband would press his hand down little Garrett’s back. Finally, my baby boy would settle down. Can’t you just hear the little newborn sigh? It would confirm that peace had finally arrived and blessed that precious babe.

It could be that the tiny body just didn’t have the strength to squirm under the authority of that mighty hand, but I think there’s more to it. There just happens to be a great feeling of security when you know deep down that you are under the submission of someone so powerful, yet so full of love.

I know that feeling. It happens every time I surrender my will over to God. Come to think of it, that beautiful scene of “Authoritative Father” and “restless child” reminds me of the mighty Hand of Jesus and one wild and crazy storm.

“Peace, be still”

With one simple gesture, and a few words, “Peace, be still,” Jesus calmed the most violent of seas. “Peace, be still,” and one strong hand was all it took and the chaos surrendered. The waters were lulled to sleep.

All it takes is one strong hand to feel safe and sound,
and to rest like a sleeping baby.
There’s just something about the calming effect of a strong hand.

“Peace, be still”

Sleep peacefully, little Garrett…sweet, energetic and restless son, God is with you.

I will lie down in peace and sleep,
for You alone, O LORD, will keep me safe.
Psalms 4:8

Amie Spruiell
Written on 8/15/2002

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