
Rise Up In God's Courage and Strength

Embrace God's word out of Joshua 1:9 today. It says,"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." I find that passage to be very comforting and helpful every time I read it. Not only that, but God commands us to be strong and of good courage. He is telling us don't sit back and be passive and fragile and fearful. He specifically exhorts us to walk that courage and strength out. He reminds us that there is no place for fear or dismay, for God is forever with us regardless where we go.
These specific words give me great courage and strength, and the more that I allow God's words to go deep in my spirit, the more that courage and strength increase in my life.

In this life we will all have moments where fear and dismay will cross our paths. We can rise up to the call of God's commission to Joshua to walk in His strength, courage and understanding of His presence every day of our lifes.

Written by Sandy

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