
Seek, Ask, Knock…And Be Prepared

Repost of  Devotional for 1/29/11

Have you ever found yourself listening to someone ramble on and on negatively about God’s Word? Calling it a “joke”? Spouting off conspiracy theories they got from the internet? Drawing in listening ears entertained by their trivia? And then, caught up in the moment, you lost your ability to draw out of your mind a solid argument because their words were so impressive? Even though you knew they were false?

It’s frustrating and defeating. Many times, I feel that I don’t have solid facts at my fingertips in a moment’s notice, or I at least have something on the tip of my tongue but not enough to even sound intelligent. AHHH!!! Later, I’ll find myself with phrase upon phrase flowing endlessly in my head, but when it’s after the fact, what good does it do?

My friend, these are training moments. We can learn from each and every one of them. When those phrases start plummeting out of your head and through your lips to an absent audience in the privacy of your home, practice them, write them down, and pray over them so that you don’t forget them.

Here’s an example of how to answer someone like that (what I literally wrote out for myself to remember):
“Who are the “they” you refer to? And why would you think that they are trying to stop you from reading those “Gnostic” gospels you refer to? If you think the “they” is the church, I would beg to differ. I am a part of that church, that Body of Christ, and my desire is for all people to know Him, but I’m not going to stop you from reading those gospels.
“If you really want to know the truth, then read them along with the gospels included in the Bible. Compare them for yourself. These excluded gospels are excluded because they’re not endorsed by the Church, not because anyone wants to keep them a secret from you or anyone.

“I would encourage you to do your research, checking carefully your sources to ensure that they are credible. There are plenty out there…good solid, well-documented sources…books that have been around for centuries that give a clear explanation of why some were included and some were not.
“However, I would like to point out that people who spout off what they’ve read from flippant internet websites whose only goal is to stir up controversies because that’s how they get the largest audiences, are usually not really interested in the truth at all. They are instead interested in words that sound fancy and scandalous, and I’m sorry to say, words that are offensive to believers in Christ…and they do it because it’s simply entertaining.
“On the other hand, there are countless cases of highly intelligent, self-proclaimed atheists who set out to prove exactly what you’re claiming. They did it in a way that uses the rules of investigation…gathering solid evidence, utilizing credible sources, and applying intelligence and logic…because they actually cared about the truth.

“These heavily burdened atheists have found the gospels you refer to are indeed false and unreliable, and the ones included in the New Testament stand firm under scrutiny. More often than not, in the end, these atheists have become believers in Christ.”

Well, that was it…that was what I wrote down. I’m not sure if I’ll remember it in a pinch. Maybe it takes even a little memorizing in order to make myself confident to speak out under pressure, but there’s nothing wrong with that as long as I remember something very important. These situations are always an attack. I have no doubt that my confused mind and inability to recall is not an accident. When these situations come up, the players are not only the non-Christian speaker and the Christian listener with the desire to evangelize. There are usually others around whose hearts are being influenced, and with ears pricked by the topic, they’re ready to hear the truth.

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone
Who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect…
1 Peter 3:15

What I need to remember is that it’s not about winning an argument and coming out on top with a bloated head after putting another in his place. That’s not the heart of an evangelist. I may not have the facts of an apologist, but I do have the heart of an evangelist. You can catch more flies with honey, likewise, a kind, loving response will entice hearts and minds to look further, ask more questions, and hopefully give their life over to the only One who is the truth. Tell them that if they truly seek, ask, and knock, they WILL find the truth.

Ask and it will be given to you;
Seek and you will find;
Knock and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7

Amie Spruiell 1-28-11

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