
God is Far Greater...Sandy

There have been times in my life when I have allowed different situations and circumstances to appear much bigger than my God. To make matters worse the more I would dwell on that problem, my God would continue to become smaller and smaller.  

That is quite the contrary. God's word says in 1 John 4:4… 

"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them,
 because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." 

Our God who lives in us, is far greater than any problem we could ever face in our life. He is well aware of what is going on in our life and highly capable of taking care of His children. He is our "Abba Daddy" and loves to help His children. 

Our God knows exactly what it takes to handle our situation and if we will but trust Him, He will walk with us through our problem every step of the way to victory!

His word also says that through Him we are "more than conquerors" and more than overcomers." By surrendering my full trust in Christ and full focus on Him, I can have great confidence in getting through every circumstance I face victoriously! 

Written by Sandy B.

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