
"In Him We Live And Move"

Devotional for Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Every day is a new day and a new opportunity to be used for the Lord. We serve a living God!

Scripture tells us

"In Him we live and move and have our being."
Acts 17:28A

As we awaken each day, we can allow Him to give us a fresh infilling of His Holy Spirit. If we will but let Him, the Lord will orchestrate our day and use us in ways we never dreamed possible. As we are yielded to the Lord, and have our ears to his lips, the Lord will guide us and speak to our hearts. As we say to the Lord "Here I am Lord, use me," the Lord will do just that!

We serve a God on the move! He is never boring or dull, but a God that is powerful and mighty and awesome! The Lord flows through us, as we are surrendered to him. We are His hands and His feet, His ambassadors and His spokesman.

What a joy to know that our lifes are one big adventure and glorious journey, as we are immersed in His love and His Spirit.

I choose to live my life every day on this earth for Jesus Christ; making a difference for His Kingdom!

Written by Sandy B.

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