
"Embrace God's Promises"

I believe it is fair to say that everyone on this earth encounters problems at some time or other in their lifes. Some have had more than their share of problems than others, but we can all be certain that it is a Universal thing!

The question is, "What do we do with our problems when we are experiencing them?" We can choose to whine, and worry and be fearful and angry. Or the flip side is, we can trust God that He will help us through, every step of the way.

The good news is that for every problem we are having, there is a promise attached that we as His children have access to.

In 2 Peter 1:4 it says...

 " By which have been given to us exceedingly
great and precious promises, that through these
 you may be partakers of the divine nature,
having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."

We have been given those exceedingly, great precious promises that we can partake in every day of our lifes. We can choose to embrace His word and believe what He says and expect for Him to help us in the midst of our problems. We do not have to walk it alone ever!

We do not have to focus on our problem but to focus on Christ, knowing He will be faithful to help us overcome every difficult thing we will ever face in this life.

Just knowing that gives me great comfort and peace that no matter what I face tomorrow, the Lord Almighty will give me strength to overcome! Embrace His promises today!

Sandy Billingham

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