

Devotional for 9/26/11

A gardener goes out to tend his beautiful, lush garden, the patchwork of colors filtering into his eyes and the aromatic fragrance filling his senses.

He finds the weeds have entered his garden gate and have intertwined with his verdant vegetation. They have become so intertwined, alongside his abundant flora, that they both look as if they have become one plant…What’s one to do?

Call on the Master Gardener. His love of what your life creates, of the tasks you put your hand to, of the others who visit your planting, is enormous and all encompassing, for He has the eye to see the beauty of your life work. Ask the Master to guide you to the plants that are weeds and trust that He is speaking to you, guiding you as you move forward, row by row, so that by His word you may remove that which has no place within your garden gates…

Teachability – not truly seeing the way, not relying on your own knowledge, but being willing to ask to be guided; then to put action to the words given and move. Asking, hearing or receiving, Action.

Teachability – blind to your way of doing things, willing to hear and move forth with trust in who spoke.

Our great and mighty God, Your word says, Ps 32:
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will guide you with my eye…

and again in Ps 25:4
Show me your ways O Lord; teach me your paths…

May we this day surrender our way of self reliance. May we trust in your hand working in our lives, working a perfect outcome, one that gives you the glory You so rightly deserve, and surrenders our way of thinking unto the Holy Spirit’s gentle guidance. We may not fully understand, nor clearly see, but this day we put our trust in You, in every area of our lives.

Kathy B

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