
Choose Life

Understanding Gives Us the Freedom to Choose

This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you
that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.
Now choose life, so that you and your children may live
 and that you may love the Lord your God,
listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20

Truth with understanding is like ointment to a wound. The sting of truth wrapped in the balm of understanding brings healing and soothing comfort.

When a hand has a deep wound, it can perform its functions in a limited way, at best.

When my father was a young teen he broke his arm. It wasn't mending or healing well at all and began wasting away. It became half the size of his healthy arm. His father took him to a doctor and the doctor recommended the arm be amputated. He asked my father what he would like to do. My father's reply was, "I want to keep it!"

When my father realized what was at stake if his arm didn't heal properly and regain strength, he set about working to the goal of restoring his arm. He took a job at a farm for one year. Every day he milked cows, picked cotton, cut wood, and did various other chores around the farm. The first few weeks were very difficult. It was painful to work the weakened arm but he considered the alternative and kept working. Over that year his arm grew stronger and by the end of the year it was just as strong and healthy as the other arm!

I look at my own life. A part of me wasn't developing and getting stronger, but was wasting away. When I realized what the loss could be continuing in that state, I knew I had to take action. I know God ultimately brought healing to my father's arm, but my Dad was also presented a choice in that process. I'm thankful God showed me I had a choice in my healing process. For so long I thought like that doctor; there was nothing I could do. Mine was not a physical need but just as vital.

Thank you, Lord, for your wonderful path of truth that leads to healing. I can now function more fully as you created me to be. Keep leading me, Holy Spirit, to see those hidden places you still want to touch.

Written by Sheryl Jenkins / October 2011
Shared by Beverley A. Napier

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