
Do Not Place Your Hands In Your Lap

“I lift my hands to believe again,
YOU are my refuge, YOU are my strength.”
-Chris Tomlin

A few weeks ago, my 14 year old daughter was in the hospital. She was there for three days. As a mother, it was very difficult to sit and watch my daughter feel so weak and afraid. We had no idea why she was so sick. She ended up receiving 4 units of blood and her blood level would decrease even after receiving the transfusions.

I look back and I can say that God used that circumstance to work something in me. I wanted to worry, I wanted to fear, but God would not allow me to. As we were sitting there waiting for blood results, we looked at each other as my daughter was crying and I said, “We are not going to give the enemy and what he wants; we are going to believe and know that God is going to heal you. My daughter grabbed her iPod touch and played the song, “I Lift My Hands” by Chris Tomlin. We started to sing out loud, and we repeatedly kept singing it. As we were singing, I felt this sense of strength that was coming over me. God is our refuge, He is our strength. We have to lift our hands and give all the glory to Him.

Even when we are sitting in a hospital room seeing our child sick, we have to lift our hands to give Him all the glory. Even when we have marriage problems, we have to lift our hands and give Him all the glory. Even when we are down to our last dollar, we have to lift our hands and give Him all the glory. Even when we are laid off from work and barely have food to eat we have to lift our hands and give Him all the glory. WHY??? Because He is God and He will never leave us nor forsake us! That is one of HIS many promises. You don’t tell God how big your circumstances are, you tell your circumstances how big our God is.

Like I said before, I look back and see how God used my daughter’s sickness to work something in me. He will use whatever it takes to work something in you. My sister, don’t give up, do not get weary, do not give into fear, because the Creator of the Earth has you in the palm of His hands.

Instead of placing your hands in your lap and giving up

Written by Liz Chavez

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