
"Fresh Hope In God"

Today I posted on facebook; The dawning of a new day, with new challenges, new opportunities, great expectations and fresh hope in God.

Everyone of us is given a brand new day, and we each have a choice how we will face that day. We can wake up and choose to give life our best shot, or we can wake up in the morning and just get by, doing the minimum, in a survival mode.

I choose to give it my best shot, for I know this day will never come again. I choose to trust God even when my day may appear to be "doom and gloom." I will look for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

You see, we have a God that is clearly in control of our lifes, and He has our best interest in mind. He holds us in the palm of His hand, and He will clearly direct and help us every step of the way, if we will allow Him to.

Even in the bleakest of days, we can confidently be assured that there is always hope through our God.

So I encourage each and everyone of you
at the dawning of a new day to remember,
"This is the day that the Lord has made,
We will rejoice and be glad in it!"
Psalm 118:24

Sandy Billingham

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