
A Friendship Worth Keeping

“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.
”Philippians 1:3 (NLB)

When Paul wrote the above verse to the people in Philippi, his heart was full of joy. The people to whom he was writing held a very special place in his heart. Together they had shared the Good News of the Gospel along with the blessings of God. He loved these people very deeply and he wanted them to continue to grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Lord. He wanted their lives to be filled with the fruit of their salvation in order for them to bring glory and praise to God.

Paul shared his life and his heart with these people. He told them of the hard times that he had gone through, and how God had used those circumstances for the greater spread of the Gospel. He shared with them the confidence that he had in God, and how excited and determined he was to continue to serve Him with all that he was, and all that he could be. He encouraged, admonished and taught them in all honesty and sincerity… always wanting, hoping and praying for God to work out His best in and through each one of their lives.

Today I met to pray with some friends like that. They are perhaps the greatest gift (besides my own family), that the Lord has ever given to me. They are steadfast in their love for me, and their motives towards me are pure. They recognize and acknowledge the special gifts that God has placed inside of me. They support those places in prayer, and they cover me in my weaknesses. They know just about all there is to know… and they love me nevertheless. They are friends like Paul. They want my life to be filled with the fruit of my salvation and for that fruit to be used to bring glory and praise to God. I believe they know and understand that I want the same for them.

What about you? Do you have those kinds of friends in your own life? What about becoming that type of friend to someone else? We all need friends who not only love and support us, but those who also really know us. When God made us, He made us in His own image. I believe that proves that we were not only made to know others, but we were also made to “become known” ourselves. This means that we must take a risk and become vulnerable to each other. I know that as for me, this “reward” far outweighs the risk… how about you?

Beverley A. Napier
September 29, 2011

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