

There was a couple in the news recently who went into a corn maze in the evening with their 3 week old infant and they got lost. Nightfall came and they began to panic. They tried on their own to find their way out, to no avail. After awhile they finally decided to call 9-1-1 and were rescued with the aide of a search and rescue dog... 25 feet from the end of the maze!

Before you scoff at them or question their wisdom... or lack thereof... for going there late in the evening with a 3 week old, or come up with other solutions to their predicament that you surely would have thought to do yourself, remember your own troublesome times in life. Perhaps you have felt lost in a sea of troubles. Have you struggled, trying on your own to find a way out? For some, it gets so overwhelming they feel as if they might die. This has been true of humans for a very long time. Even the Israelites felt this way.

... “We will die! We are lost, we are all lost!" Numbers 17:12 NIV

The best thing we can do when we feel "lost" is to call our spiritual "9-1-1": pray to God. There is never a dropped call when we pray to him! When we let go of the worry and anxiety and trying to do it ourselves, it becomes so much easier. The worry and anxiety do not help the situation, but rather complicate it. God has it all handled, if we just stop trying to take it back out of his hands!

Imagine what it is like for those who don't have faith. They not only are lost in this world, they are spiritually lost, with no place to turn in their time of need. When we see someone struggling with life's issues, remember how important it is that we offer to pray for and with them, pointing them to God and his help. It is especially important to share with them the Gospel and to pray that the Spirit moves them to faith.

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10 NIV

May you always call on God to lead you through the tough times and to help you guide others to him!

written by Jan Andersen (then lost, now found)


  1. Hi Jan

    I like how you used the story of the lost couple to illustrate the conceot of how one can find help. I really liked this!

    God bless from
