
“Now you are light in the Lord….”
 Ephesians 5:8b

I love the sky! Not because I can name all of the different kinds of clouds or give a weather report, (I cannot do either) but because of all of the ways that it shows God’s Almighty Power in the shifting light and changing colors throughout each day.

This morning, as I stepped outside with our shepherd-mix dog, I looked up to see what the morning had in store for us. My first wide-open view of the sky was a layering of shades of grey. From almost-white to deep charcoal smudges, the clouds and morning mist created an illusion off an endless mist-filled nothing. The type of murky haze that absorbs all of the existing light, hiding landmarks and leaving nothing to guide us in the right direction. Some would see this as hopelessness.

But then, we walked to the end of the street and turned the corner, so we were now heading east, and I was stopped dead in my tracks by the glorious new vista that was before me. The rising sun was overpowering all of the dreary grey, changing the clouds from their dismal heaviness into a series of warm, inviting rose and golden cushions that I wanted to roll in like a child! This was one of the purest illustrations of hope that I had ever seen!

A gentle, and powerful, dazzling light that drives all of the heaviness away. Cleansing the new day of all of yesterday’s anger, hurt and fear. His mercies are new every morning!

How often do we forget and miss these moments every day? Do we allow ourselves to stop believing God when things around us are grey and filled with the misty nothingness that makes everything appear to be hopeless? Or do we tell ourselves to keep walking in faith, so we can turn the corner and be amazed, once again by the wonder of all that God has given us in the dazzling sunrise of hope?

Remember, even when we are surrounded by what appears to be total darkness and utter hopelessness; the sun that God created is still in His sky; waiting expectantly to shine again while we grow in hope in the glory of the next new day.

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.
Live as children of the light
(for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)”
Ephesians 5: 8-9

Written by Lynda Kinnard

1 comment:

  1. The word pictures you have posted her are lovely Lynda. but what God creates everymorning is incredible. To me morning is the best time of the day. Thank God for His creation!

    God's blessings from Corinne
