
"Walking On Water"

I was just thinking what a thrill Peter must have felt when he was walking on water as He saw Jesus had. In Matthew 14:28-29 it says,"And Peter answered Him and said "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water." So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.

Peter's faith was in high gear at that moment Jesus said "Come." He just knew that if Jesus commanded him to come to him on the water, that he was able to accomplish that. Peter took that step of faith and confidently walked on the water. This had to have been one of the best moments in his life.

Then the unfortunate happened. As the scriptures portray that the wind became boisterous, Peter became afraid and he began to sink. When the winds were blowing wildly, Peter took His eyes off of Jesus and he began to operate in fear.

I began to think how many times I have confidently and boldly walked with Christ with great faith and victory, until the storms of life began to swirl. When the storms come at me full force, I am saddened to say how quickly at times I take my eyes off of Jesus and my faith begins to dwindle and fear begins to settle in.

In Matthew 14:31B, Jesus says "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" You see the Lord desires His people to grab hold of His promises and never let go. He calls us to stand firm in Him and His word and fix our eyes upon Him continuously, no matter what we face.

I'm challenged today to ask the Lord to fill me with huge faith and not doubt, but to believe I can do what He has called me to do when he tells me to "Come."

Will you join me in that challenge today?
Sandy Billingham

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