
Friday Devotional...11/25/11

 A Thanksgiving Prayer

Has the Lord ever taken you back to a time in your life that you may have forgotten about, but when the image comes back to you… you have a whole new perspective on that particular event.

Our devotionals for this week was to reflect on “Thanksgiving” and it seemed as though as soon as I heard this request, my mind was immediately transformed back to Thanksgiving of 1974.

My four year old son Ronald had been released from Stanford Children’s Hospital that very day from a serious bout of asthma. I can remember being so weary from the mental and physical exhaustion that we had all just gone through with my precious little boy. I recall being nervous about going to my cousin Brenda’s house for Thanksgiving dinner as there would be lots of kids running and playing like all children do and I was worried that Ronald would try to keep up with his friends which could throw him right back into an asthma attack.

I remember the women bustling around in the kitchen making the last minute preparations for our big day. The kitchen windows were steamed up as potatoes were being mashed, gravy was being thickened and the delicious aroma of turkey filled the house. Finally everyone was called to gather around the tables that were set up for our Thanksgiving feast!

There was lots of chatter and laughter while Moms were trying to gather all their broods around the tables, and finally the bell rang “Every One Dig In” !!

My heart instantly felt burdened because no one stepped up to say “Let’s offer Thanks”. The sting of all that we’d just gone through with Ronald was fresh on my heart and my thoughts were on how thankful I was that God had once again seen us through. I can remember my eyes tearing up as I discretely left the table and went into the bathroom, closed the door, got on my knees and crossed my arms over the toilet seat cover and began to cry. These were mixed tears of thankfulness that our little Ronald was home with us, thankful for all the blessings that God had given to us and yet sorrowful of heart that no one offered “Thanks”. I prayed and cried for a while, but soon stood to my feet as I knew in my heart that I had stood in the gap for our family. Since recollecting that scene, I believe God was in my presence and proud that someone offered “Thanks” even if it was at the foot of the toilet.

Written by
Glenna Williamson

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