
"God Will Not Pass You By"

Do you ever feel like the Lord has passed you by? You may see many others all around you being blessed left and right, but you may feel somehow that the Lord has forgotten about you. I can tell you right now that is not true. That is a lie straight from the enemy.

Throughout the Bible, God shows us over and over that He is not a God of partiality. He does not have more preference over one of His children than the other. You are just as valuable and treasured to God as your brothers and sisters in Christ. You belong to Christ and truly all the promises of God are for you!

In Romans 2:10-11 it says
"but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good,
to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
For there is no partiality with God.

Aren't you thankful
    that each of us is "God's favorite?"
          Receive all that God
                 has for you today.
                     He will never pass you by!

Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. I love knowing that I am God's favorite. It is not even a competition between me and millions of other people. It is exclusive to me while at the same time being exclusive to them. I am IT: they are IT: we all are IT. How comforting.

    Thanks Sandy!
