
I Will Praise Thee

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
 marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
Psalm 139: 14

Have you ever given thought to how unique and how wonderful we as humans are? God has made each and every one of us as a distinct individual. Although God chose to create only two species (Male and Female) yet each of us as separate persons are as different as night and day. Every one of us has a unique genetic code for our DNA make up (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid). We are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Our make up can be compared to the individuality of a snowflake. Every snowflake has its own unique shape and is different than all other snowflakes. However being that all snowflakes have six sides, all snowflakes aren’t always white. Sometimes dust and colored particles from such as factories and earths elements can get into the atmosphere which are absorbed by the clouds thus making snowflakes different shades and colors. Just like we have DNA makeup, snowflakes are made up of ice crystals.

Another example in the uniqueness of us creatures is that of our fingerprints. A fingerprint is one of the most interesting and exceptional features of the human body. The singleness of fingerprints is extraordinary to consider that the possibility’s that two persons will have the same print is next to impossible. Therefore, the fingerprints that you have are entirely yours. They represent your identity as a person. That is what makes you so special. How Cool Is That!

So…the next time you say or think “I’m too Tall, I’m too short, I’m too skinny, I’m too fat or I wish I was of a different nationality” just remember, no matter what color you are, no matter what your size may be >>> Just know that God created us all in his image. And in his sight we are fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well.

Written by: Glenna Williamson

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