

devotional for Sunday 11/27/11

Today ends the Thanksgiving weekend and begins the Advent and Christmas season of our church. But our thankfulness does not stop just because this weekend is ending. It is pleasing to God when we live truly thankful lives year-round, praising him for all his benefits to us. In fact, we can thank him for EVERYTHING we have, because it is all just on loan from God. We can even be thankful for the difficulties of this life, for the lessons learned and the experiences shared with others to help them see God's mercy and hope. This constant thankfulness is called "thanks-living."

Thankfulness to God not only pleases Him, it also enriches our own lives as we develop a true attitude of gratitude. Beyond ourselves, we also show thankfulness by sharing a portion of what we have with others. Then those others in turn can be thankful to God, and so on. The most important thing we share with other people is the Good News of the free gift of salvation to all who believe in the one who's birth we are preparing to celebrate!

You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. -- 2 Corinthians 9:11 NIV

written by Jan Andersen, thankful child of God


  1. Hi Jan

    This is a perfect ending to the weekend of Thanksgiving. We have so much to be grateful for even when we may be have challenges that we are dealing with. I compare it to having joy at all times even when happiness is eluding us.
    I am thankful to you and all the writers of WFM.

    God bless

  2. Thanks! Hopefully I captured the transitional nature of this day in our church calendar. I am thankful to you for keeping this website going!
