
Wednesday Devotional...11/23/11

"God Is My Stronghold"

Recently when I was spending time with the Lord, I felt Him impressing upon me how He wants to be our Stronghold. I was reminded how often the enemy puts thoughts into our minds, and as we dwell on those thoughts, they can become a stronghold to us.

The Webster's dictionary defines stronghold as; fortified place,a place of security or survival. Isn't that just like our Lord? As we embrace and trust Him totally and meditate on His word, then He becomes that fortified place and a deep place of security.

On the other hand, when we allow incorrect thinking to dominate our thoughts, those thoughts become a stronghold to us. The more we dwell on the thoughts and allow them to be ingrained in our mind, the tougher the stronghold is in our life.

Only when we choose to take captive of our thoughts, and bring them to obedience onto the Lord and His truth to penetrate our minds, can those wrong strongholds be torn down.

                   God's word says in Psalm 18:2
"The Lord is my rock
and my fortress and my deliverer;
my God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
my shield and the horn
of my salvation, my stronghold."

Above all I desire for the Lord to be my Stronghold. I want His strong arms holding me and watching over me and that my thoughts would be completely absorbed in Christ alone. Keeping my mind stayed on thee, I can find great peace, trust and strength in Him.

Rich Blessings,
Sandy Billingham

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