
When we think our hands are empty…..

Looking back on the number of things that I did not try in the past; I can’t help but wonder how many blessings I have missed because I did not understand just how big OUR GOD truly is.

Well, the past is the past, and I cannot waste time with regrets on who I am not. I may not have become who I think I might have been; I must look at who I am in Christ – TODAY – and love the journey that brought me here.

The things that were difficult or painful for me, may appear to have been easy compared to what you have endured. But we each have our own walk and must take our own steps in order to grow the way we are intended to. Otherwise we continue to be stuck in the places that we are afraid of leaving.

I know that I am not strong on my own. I am “petite”; which now just means short instead of slender and delicate. But my lack of physical strength within my own power can, and will always be overcome by the Power of the Holy Spirit that lives in me!

The tools that I am often unaware of are inside me; just waiting for me to ask the Lord to show me what to do on every occasion in my life. The men and women who have stepped out on faith before me – in the distant past and right before my eyes – are proof that God can perform miracles through everyone who asks for that power to be ignited.

My empty hands, my lack of known skill and even my doubt in my being prepared are all that I need when I allow my faith in The God who created me for greatness to do His work.

This Sunday, I let go of my will and let the Holy Spirit lead me to pray for and with someone at just the right moment. And the words that I used, the powerful things that came out of my mouth were spoken for me as much as for the one I prayed with. I needed to hear my voice speak of the Infinite Power of God’s Love for each of us! How He is big enough and strong enough to let us get angry at Him and tell him that we do not understand.

My hands and at times, my head may feel empty. But those are the times when I am best equipped to ask Him to fill and use me for the good of The Kingdom. As long as I remember to tell myself that “I AM” lives in me.

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness.”
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses,
so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
2 Corinthians 12:9

Lynda Kinnard


  1. Hi Lynda...
    Isnt it a wonder that God has given us all the tools that we need. It is just important for us to pick up the tool we need to do what He wants us to do. I like your thoughts on this.
    Bod bless.

  2. empty my hands Lord so I can grasp what you give! Thank you for this devotion :)
