
Where Do You Want Me to Go?

In Genesis 16:8, we read, "Hagar, Sarai's maid, where have you come from and where are you going?" I think God has probably asked all of us this question in a variety of ways. Maybe we've come from an abusive situation. Maybe we've come from an unforeseen disaster. Or, maybe we've come from a long and laborious season of life.

It's important to assess not only what's happened to us or in our lives, but what our plans are from here on out. God may not want us to wallow in the past, but He doesn't want us to bury it either. If we do, nothing redeeming can come from it. It's important to remember what we've been through so we can recognize that God is the One who got us through it. Then we can learn from it and teach others as well.

What's even more important in the above question is,

"...where are you going?"

Are we going to move forward and heal from our past rising above the gravitational pull of it? Maybe where we're supposed to go is right back where we came from to finish up unfinished business. Whatever the situation, I think the appropriate answer to God when He asks the question of, "...where are you going," should be to ask Him, "Where do You want me to go, Lord?" Then I guess the real question is,

“Are we going to obey Him and go where He says?”

Hagar found herself thrown into a disastrous storm beyond her control. It led to an abusive situation which she ran away from. Then she learned that she had to live out a season in her life before she would be released to move on. When God asked her this question, she answered Him with the ugly truth. He responded with direction that she didn't want to hear. Yet, even though this was her first encounter with the true God of the universe, she obeyed Him. She finished out this difficult season of her life. When she was released from it, she found herself without direction thinking she had no hope. This time, He did not ask her where she had come from...He simply gave her direction and she followed.

There was a time when I was told to move forward and rise above. There was also a time when I was told to stay in the moment and ride out the storm until the clouds had cleared. I guess there's no telling how many times I've tried to walk away from a long and laborious season only to be told to go back. And believe me, I've had to be told these things way more than a few times only to find that if we don't go where He says to go, guaranteed, He will continue to ask,

"Now, where have you been and where are you going?"

It's not a question meant to bring pain, guilt or shame, but direction, healing and victory! Praise God!

Amie Spruiell

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