
"Your Faith Has Made You Whole"

I am so very blessed to be a daughter of the Most High God. He has given me so much and I couldn't ask for a better Heavenly Father. There is a continuous flow of His blessings coming down from heaven.

I was recently so very moved regarding the Bible story about the woman that touched the hem of Jesus's garment. The scriptures are from Matthew 5:20-22. This woman had a of blood issue for twelve years. She spent everything she had on doctors to be free of this problem but to no avail. Because of her sickness she was isolated from the commuity. She was rejected by many as well as condemned. She was one desperate woman.

After struggling for so long, she finally came up with a solution that she was determined and confident would be successful. She just knew in her heart that if only she could touch the hem of Jesus's garment, that He would heal her completely. She took that step of faith one day, fighting through the throngs of people. She was not going to let anyone or anything stop her. After what seemed forever she finally reached within inches of the Lord. With every ounce that she could muster, she reached out and touched the hem of His garment. At that precise moment, Jesus turned around and looked at her and said "Be of good cheer, daughter, your faith has made you well."

When I read that last passage, I came totally undone. Her Lord so met her every need. Not only did He heal her physically, but every area of her life was touched so fully by His healing power. That is the kind of Father we have. He wants to meet our every need. He doesn't just meet us half way,but a God that desires His people whole in every way.

I want to have faith like that woman. I want to be willing to do whatever it takes to be whole and will not settle for less. For we have a Great God that does Great and Mighty things for His people!

Sandy Billingham

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