

devotional for Sunday, 1/22/12

I am learning to ride horses. This endeavor began late in life, just 7 years ago. My first instructor taught me what she called "Balanced Riding." I have taken regular lessons from 4 different instructors, each with their own focus and methods of teaching, but all building on the same theme of balanced riding. My time in the saddle has had frequent interruptions due to moves, a hip surgery, hot summers, etc. In spite of all this, my riding continues to improve as my connection with the horses deepens.

One thing I have been working on recently is to sit deeply or firmly in the saddle. If I imagine the bones in my bottom being "plugged in" to the saddle, it relaxes my legs and allows me to have much better balance, even if I remove my feet from the stirrups. No matter what the horse decides to do, staying "plugged in" allows me to remain stable and "go with the flow" of movement. Then I also have better control over what I ask of the horse, guiding it with my body.

Living a Christian life is like Balanced Riding. There may be many ups and downs in this life, unexpected movement in a different direction than anticipated, etc. But if we remain "plugged in" to God with our faith, we will be able to "go with the flow" of this world. No matter what twists or turns appear on our journey, or what battles we are sucked into with the devil, we can ride life's trails with security and confidence. Our lives will remain balanced on Christ, and we will ride calmly through difficult situations with the confidence that God is always with us, holding us up and guiding us through.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7 NIV

written by Jan Andersen

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