
Monday Devotional...1/16/12

Remarkable Things Today…

So many of the holiday movies that we have been bombarded with during these past few months usually end with one of the central characters shouting, “It’s a Christmas Miracle!” At that point, two or more people hug as the music swells to quicken our heartbeats and make us smile with relief and gratitude. Most of the time, these stories are completely fictional, but we get caught up in them anyway.

Now that the parties are over, the decorations have been packed away, and we have survived the long line for gift returns at the mall; we often find ourselves looking for those bear-hugging, happy ending, musical themed miracles in our everyday lives. And when the everyday feels uneventful, we may begin to think something is missing. Regular becomes boring and we are left thinking that the lack of drama in our life means that we are less important than the make-believe people whose lives we continue to watch on the big and small screen.
But if we are able to really look at our lives, we may see that the non-eventful days are miracles. We wake up, relatively healthy and whole - and we know it. We have families and/or friends; or even just a friendly store clerk or bus driver who calls us by name - and we now it. We have food and shelter and some form of transportation - and we know it. We can see the sky change color with the morning sun through the day to sunset and the night's stars and the glow of moonlight - and we know it. Almighty God is our Loving Father - and we know it.
I try to remind myself that every day I have is amazing! The physical flaws that I see in myself are a part of what God want to use somehow. My uniqueness is why I am the only one who can do what He has planned for me. I have heard Him speaking to my heart in the past; but I must listen better this year. I must remember that we each have a series of assignments. Many of them may seem small and unimportant, but they each have the potential to be the one special assignment that we were created for.

Are you listening and getting ready to act whenever the Spirit speaks? To do the one thing, or one of many things that will cause someone to say, "It's a ___________ Miracle!" No matter what you see when you look at yourself, God wants each of us to amaze one another with our faith. Today may be your day. Perhaps when you close your eyes tonight, you can remember one moment and say to yourself,

Everyone was amazed
and gave praise to God.
They were filled with awe
and said,
"We have seen
remarkable things today."
Luke 5:26


Written by Lynda Kinnard

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