
Monday Devotional...1/2/12


“You shall have no other gods before me.”
Exodus 20:3

As I sit here watching the movie The Ten Commandments with my son, I wonder what things would of been like for The Israelites if they fully focused on God. Sounds familiar? I find this piece of scripture very moving and powerful. The Israelites were not focused on God. Why do I say that? Well, when they left Egypt, they believed their journey was going to be smooth sailing just like today, we think and believe that life should be smooth sailing. I believe that if it would have been a smooth sailing journey for them, they would have never experienced the goodness of God. Granted, they complained that God abandoned them, but then He would show up, and He blessed them time after time. They knew that God was real, but their complete focus was not on Him. I admit and confess that my focus on God lacks, especially when things in my life don’t go so well. I thank Him for His undying love for me and for His forgiveness. He reminds me that, yes, my focus needs to be on Him and Him ALWAYS!! “Keep your eye on the prize”, is how the saying goes. Ask yourself why is the first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before me?”

God is making it loud and clear.
"Focus...focus on me!” No matter what we may go through in life, our eyes should always be on Him. He knows why we go through hard times and He knows why we suffer here on earth. It’s to teach us something and that focusing on Him is what HE truly desires for us to do.

“Blessed are the pure at heart, for they will see God.”
–Matthew 5; 8.

Let’s place our focus on God so that we may see His face.

Written by Liz Chavez

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