
Saturday Devotional...1/7/12

 “You” – The Motion Picture

Let’s just say that your life is a motion picture from conception all the way to your death and what happens after. There is a team of writers. The writers include you, God, everyone you come in contact with and even Satan and his demons. Contrary to popular belief, you are the head writer up until your death, not God. He’ll completely take over after that.

Now, in the beginning, your writing is minimal, but increases as the movie continues. Unfortunately, you don’t know the whole movie before filming begins. You write as you go. Once filming begins, at the time of conception, then God can see the whole picture. He gets a sneak preview, but He won’t give too much away. He usually doesn’t give much away at all. But when He does, you would be wise to listen.

Satan and his demons watch very carefully to see when they want to jump in with their own writing, and they do it more often than you realize. However, God distracts them during certain key parts of the movie so their knowledge is limited. Though, when they do jump in, they have to first get permission from God. So rest assured, when intense music is heard and dark shadows are seen in the alley ways of the set, God is still in control.

God wears many hats…writer, editor, camera man, director and producer. That should about cover it. On the other hand, you contribute to each one of those jobs as well. This is your movie that you are in charge of and starring in. To make a great movie, you really should listen to the One who knows it all, because He’ll be the One to pick up the writing completely after the climax…that would be your death.

As director, He interferes from time to time when He feels it’s necessary, and you might disagree with His judgment, but since He’s not only directing yours, but millions of others at the same time, you should be grateful for His input and decisions. The truth is, most of the time, He has to be asked to step in and say, “Stop the filming…this is wrong…let’s do it this way.” Being the kind director that He is, all it really takes is for you to say, “Help me.”

You see, God’s not really concerned with how much money your movie makes or how many awards it’s nominated for or wins. He’s mainly concerned with the end, which as the story goes, is what happens after you die and He takes over. What He writes into it at that point is dependent upon your writing up until then. The end is determined by the plot, and He absolutely cannot write that part. It’s the rule He made that He won’t break. After your death, He carefully searches every detail of the movie to see if you made one specific choice…that’s your plot. What He writes depends on that plot completely. So, it appears that everyone ultimately has the same plot with different details.

God gives you plenty of information so that you can write your plot well. If you don’t catch on right away, He’ll give you more time and information. He truly wants you to succeed at this, even though Satan and his demons want you to fail, so they distract you at every opportunity they can. Don’t mistake this, it doesn’t matter how many distractions there are, God still gives you all you need to have the greatest ending ever to be written.

There are certain things you cannot write such as how you come into this world and how you go out of it. This is His job. But I suppose you could say that He really edits these parts because conception is always tied to the motion pictures of others, and death quite often is as well. Having said this, there’s a special quality about our “Life” motion pictures that doesn’t necessarily apply to the motion pictures or television programs we all love to watch. Everybody at all times must be prepared to succumb to other writers who are writing their own stories. Yours is included in theirs and theirs are included in yours. This sometimes happens in the realm of Hollywood like combining information from Iron Man into other movies like Thor or when CSI Las Vegas overlaps their episode and characters with Crossing Jordan. It’s not a rule for them, but it is for us. So whether or not you think it to be fair, your movie will always have other writers sticking their noses in on it. Just remember that God is the editor of all “life” movies and He can be trusted.

Remember, even though God knows the end, He won’t give it away while you are in the process of determining your plot. For many, however, if their plot is written well, He gives them assurance of how their movie will end after the climax, death. Even if He doesn’t like how it ends, He’s faithful to give you all the resources you need to produce this movie. It’s up to you trust Him, work hard, do all your research and use His resources wisely.

You see, God is not the writer of all things, but He is the writer of the greatest story ever told…the story that we are to use to determine the plot of our own “life” movies. And though, He doesn’t write all the details of everyone’s story, He can see from the moment of conception every choice we will make up until the end. This is because He’s not trapped in time like we are. He loves people and His desire for each person from the moment He creates them is for them to make the right choices. He never creates someone with a destiny to fail, yet He knows immediately if and when they will. You might ask why continue to allow a person to live their life once He knows they are going to fail. The answer is because their failure must have evidence of who was responsible for it.

We all have choices to make…each and every one of us, every moment of every day. You would be wrong to live your life as if it’s already planned out for you because that’s a lie. You write as you go. Your movie is going to be produced no matter what choices you or others around you make. It’s an honorable job…given to you because of how highly you are regarded by the director. How do you want yours to end? You’re still alive, so you still have choice. You might not be able to say that tomorrow. Do you know the greatest story ever told? If so, have you chosen Jesus?

Written by
 Amie Spruiell 1/30/2002
Revised 1/06/2012

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