
Wednesday Devotional...1/11/12

"Walking In God's Truth"

I recently watched an "I Love Lucy" episode called "Lucy Tells The Truth." Fred, Ethel and her husband Ricky bet Lucy $50 that during a 24 hour period she would not be able to tell the truth. If you are a "Lucy lover," you may recall Lucy being famous for stretching the truth. Those next crucial 24 hours, Lucy is faced with many challenges and choices in telling the truth or telling a lie. At first it was very difficult and uncomfortable for her to tell the truth, but challenge after challenge she began to gain momentum and speaking the truth became easier for her. As she spoke the truth to her friends and family, many of them became irritated, uneasy and surprised. Lucy came to a place where she was extremely gut-level honest and it was not fun for anyone to hear the truth. This was a side of Lucy that they were not used to.

This episode made me think of the scripture in 3 John 1:4

"I have no greater joy than to hear
that my children are walking in the truth."

There are times when I read God's word and the Holy Spirit begins to reveal His truth. His truth penetrates my heart and conviction begins to rise in my spirit. God's truth can sometimes make me very uncomfortable, especially if I am not walking in truth in that particular area. But if my heart is open and teachable and receptive, and I am willing to be obedient, the more I hear and walk in His truth the easier it becomes.

Well you guessed it! Lucy won the bet and she walked off $50 richer. When we choose to walk in God's truth, we give the Lord great joy and our lifes become richer in Christ. Let's begin each day of our lifes in walking in God's truth.

Sandy Billingham

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