
Wednesday Devotional...1/18/12

"Walking In The Spirit"

God tells us in Galations 5:16...

"Walk in the Spirit and you shall not
fulfill the lust of the flesh."

We all know as Christians how important daily we are to walk in the Spirit. The only problem with that is that we leak. Yes, each one of us leak! Unfortunately sometimes our flesh wins out. We all set out to be obedient to the Lord and to walk in His ways, but at times our fleshly desires can have a real influence on us if we allow the flesh to. Let's face it, it is far easier to succumb to the flesh rather than walk in the Spirit. It is a choice on our part. The more we feed our spirit with worshiping the Lord, spending time in prayer and reading His Word, as well as fellowshiping with His people, the stronger we become.

I encourage you my friend each day to strengthen your spirit man with more of the Lord. Allow God to have full surrender of your life in a greater way. Choose less leaking and an abundance of God in your life!

In His Radical Love,
 Sandy Billingham

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