

Devotional for Sunday 02/05/12

Sometimes things happen unexpectedly. Two seemingly different events come together, supposedly by chance, that have some connection. Coincidence? Perhaps...

A young mother driving down a dark road with her infant strapped in a car seat suddenly has a flat tire. She pulls off the road, saying a quick prayer, turns on her overhead light and tries to use her cell phone but has no connection. Another car approaches hers and slows down. Her heart starts racing. Her thoughts fly, "Is this a safe person? Am I and my baby at risk? What else can I do?" She locks all the doors, turns the light off and sits there, waiting and praying. The car turns around and pulls over behind hers, the headlights glaring into her rearview mirror, making it difficult to see. A dark figure gets out of the driver's side of that car and approaches her vehicle. He is a man dressed in black clothing, silhouetted by his headlights, walking slowly toward her, bent over a bit, staring into her windows...

An elderly woman who lived alone fell at her home. She was able to crawl to the phone to call 911. The ambulance took her to the hospital where X-rays showed that she had a broken hip. She would have to undergo surgery in a couple of hours. She made a quick phone call to her pastor who dropped everything to come to her side and say a prayer that God would guide the surgeon's hands and all those caring for his member, and that God's healing hand would speed her recovery. As he left her room, the surgical team was preparing to take her to the surgical suite. He drove away from the hospital and discovered that his normal route was shut down due to a huge accident. He said a quick prayer for those involved, and chose to take his own back-route that he knew instead of the detour. On his way down the winding dark road, he saw it... a car pulled over to the side with a flat tire with a woman and an infant inside, so he stopped to help... Coincidence?

Perhaps you have had things happen in your life that could be simply explained away as coincidence. But are they? Perhaps.... But if we know and believe what God says, maybe it is more than that.

The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD. Proverbs 16:33 NIV

There are people who think that what we call God answering our prayers is just coincidence. But we know from the Bible that ALL things are able to be controlled by God if he chooses. He can work things together, things that are seemingly separate events, and He can create a serendipitous result, or even bring about a life-saving occurrence.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV

The next time a supposed "coincidence" occurs, think about it. Could it have been God's hand at work, a "God-incidence" perhaps?!?

Dear Lord in heaven, I know that you are the almighty and all powerful God above and that you know what needs to happen here on earth. I pray that you will work all things together that happen in my life that they may be for my own good and for your glory. Let me be a witness to the world of your loving presence and guiding hand. May I see more in my life experiences than what others might call coincidences, and may I be your tool to show them the way, the truth and the life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Written by Jan Andersen

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