
How much wood would a wood chuck cut
if a wood chuck would cut wood
Salmon vs: Man

I find it amazing how the Lord brings me to a place of mind to show me an example of what I may be trying to say/write. Jesus spoke in parables to those he was ministering to (in the new testament) to give an illustration that they would understand…a lot of times regarding the land they lived on for harvesting their crops or just simple stories of God’s good earth. Jesus knew that if he spoke in their language of understanding, they’d get it!

In Romans chapter 7, Paul speaks of the law, (the old testament law) comparing it to the new law concerning the law of sin and death. The law of battling with our flesh that we all deal with.

Here are a few of the scriptures in Romans 7 that Paul spoke of:

(18) For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,)
dwelleth no good thing;
for to will is present with me;
but how to perform that which is good I find not.
(19) For the good that I would I do not;
but the evil which I would not, that I do.

(23) But I see another law in my members
having warred against the law of my mind,
and taking me captive by the law of sin being in my members.
(24) O wretched man that I am!
Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
(25) I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord!
So then I myself with the mind truly serve the Law of God,
and with the flesh the law of sin.

Oh my goodness!! These verses are somewhat mind boggling. What was Paul trying to say “That what I would, I do not …but that which I do not that I would” Wow, that’s like a tongue twister as I try to translate it all in my brain!

In my simple way of thinking, I see that in this flesh is no good thing…and although we try to do our best for the Lord, we sometimes battle against our flesh and do not the things that we know God wants us to do or not to do….does that make sense?
I thought of (fish) in particular Salmon. Why do Salmon swim upstream to spawn? Why do we fight against our flesh?

Salmon swim upstream to return to the place they remember being hatched for refuge. Salmon successfully spawn, hatch and live in the shallows of riverbeds and streams because of the suitable environment. There, the eggs are able to hatch without floating off or being washed away by heavy tide. After hatching their babies, the tiny salmon will stay in the safety of the nest until the end of their time, then they will leave the nest to make their way downstream….and the cycle starts all over again.

The same is kind of like how we are….we fight against our flesh (like the Salmon fight to swim up stream.) For there is a purpose for our battles with the flesh…and that is, that we may fight the good fight of faith keeping our eyes on the goal, to find that nest of safety in Jesus Christ our Savior… Heaven being our goal. We must be born again just like the newly hatched little salmon.

I seem to find solace in some of our old Christian songs, as it not only ministers to my soul, but it deepens my faith and connects me (as you will) to the Lord. One particular song that comes to mind is:

Thank God for the Blood that washes whiter than snow.
Amen, Amen !

Written by: Glenna Williamson

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