

When you go to hear a symphony play a concert, the instrumentalists gradually enter before the performance and begin warming up. The sound is a discordant and jumbled noise. Each individual instrument that is played has a unique sound, and the skill of the musicians is evident as they run up and down the scales or play short segments of a piece they will play later. It is obvious that those who are playing are amazingly talented in their ability to produce not only a beautiful sound but also put the sounds together with great talent. But when they are all mixed together playing in their own little worlds, it is a cacophony. But if you place before these musicians a piece of music by a great composer, and they follow the cues of a talented conductor, the notes come out as a wonderfully complex and coordinated sound... music is made!

In the same way, when each one of us is given a unique talent (instrument), we could easily try to use them in isolation (like the warm up). Individually we may produce a good work (beautiful sound), but in coordination with all the other Christians (musicians in the symphony) around us and following the plans (sheet music) set out for us by the Author of our life (composer) while being directed by the Holy Spirit (conductor), then we can accomplish great things for the glory of the Lord. We accomplish giving praise and thanks to the Lord (glorious music!).

The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang: “He is good; his love endures forever.”... 2 Chronicles 5:13 NIV

We are all unique parts of the body of Christ, each given distinct abilities to be used for him. To be of best service to God, we must work in conjunction with others around us and not reject those with different gifts. A coordinated use of these unique and varied talents brings about greater glory to the Lord. So the unity of the diversity in the body of the universal church is a gift in itself, and a greater witness to the world.

... Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good... I Corinthians 12:7 NIV

May we each find our own special Spiritual gifts and learn to use them together with other Christians to the glory of God! So what instrument do you play in God's symphony?

written by Jan Andersen, musician for God

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