
Wednesday Devotional

"Time With Jesus"

Jeremiah 33:3 has been known as the heavenly hotline.
Jesus tells us to,

"Call to Me, and I will answer you,
and show you great and mighty things,
Which you do not know."

He so wants to show us His deep mysteries and secrets, and will do so as we diligently seek His face. He loves us to meet with Him and looks forward to each and every time we sit at His feet.

I was reminded of that last night as I was taking care of our rabbit "Prime." Around the same time every night, I open Prime's cage and scratch behind his ears, under his chin and gently pet his whole body for several minutes. He is just so relaxed and enjoys every minute of the contact. After that I feed him his dinner and he is set for the night. He loves the attention and anticipates anxiously every moment I spend time with him. I notice each day as I come close to him he is jazzed and so ready for me to love on him he can hardly contain himself.

That is how our Heavenly Father is when we draw near to Him. He is so delighted and can hardly wait for us to run and sit on His lap and share our heart and life with Him. He longs for the time we will come to Him, so He can have us all to Himself. His love is so intense for us and He fully enjoys being with us so He can reveal Himself to us more and more each day.

Call onto Jesus. He will most definitely answer you and show you great and mighty things that exceed abundantly above all that you could ask or think!

Rich Blessings,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA! Thank you for the sweet and loving picture:)
