
Friday Devotional

When God Unfolds a Rose

There’s a song that our church choir sings called
“When God Unfolds a Rose” and I cry every time I hear it sung.

When God unfolds a rose
He always gets it right
When the petals are in place
Oh, it’s such
a beautiful sight
God knows when to hold on
And the perfect time to let go
So let Him have his way
And watch God
unfold the rose.

There are trials and tribulations
We must all go through
When it comes to heartache
We’ve all had our share
Oh, but when times are the hardest
We need to hold on to the promise
He said He’d never give us
 more than we could bear
So I’ll just keep on a praying
And holding on by faith
Knowing God is working for my good
And I’ll wait just like a rose bud in the garden
Cause only God can unfold a rose

Oh how beautiful this expression of words are to me. It reaches so far down in my soul that no one could understand but me and God. How true this rings to our lives, as often we try to push the hand of God by either trying to fix a situation that we should leave alone and let the Lord heal or move in his time, doing only what God can do. Or speaking from my heart “think I need it now….and I want it at this moment!”

But if we wait on God, like a garden full of rose buds…. diverse in color, all different in the species they represent, in the dew of the morning God will answer our call. He will open that sweet fragrant rose bud to a full bloom of beauty in our life but it must be in his time, for only God can unfold the rose. For surely He is the Lilly of the Valley and The Rose of Sharon. Therefore, He must increase, but I must decrease.

Written by
Glenna Williamson

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