
Friday Devotional

“Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.”

Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6 (Amplified Bible)

This is such a wonderful reminder to me today. There are so many times that I begin to believe that I know the “answers” to things. Often times that belief is only based on my own experiences in life, which leaves me with a very limited view.

Other times I have very strong feelings about how a situation should be worked out. Sometimes these feelings can be misconstrued as insights. These “insights” have caused me to follow in the wrong direction at times. I have had to learn that just because I feel strongly about something, that doesn’t mean that I always have the correct perspective about it.

I am a student at heart, and I love to learn new things. Perhaps the most important thing that I have learned is that I must choose my teachers wisely. I have learned a lot of things from others, but they haven’t always been good for me. Perhaps you can relate.

The above verse tells us to “lean on, trust in” and to “be confident” in the Lord. This is a place in which I have learned to trust. I love that the Lord knows all things and understands all things. Perhaps the thing that I love the most is that He is willing to share that knowledge and understanding with us. He knows the correct ways in which to lead us. He leads us in wisdom and with love. He never looks down upon us with criticism, but He leads us “up” to where He is and gives us His vantage point. His ways are so much higher than our ways and yet He is willing to come to the place where we are in order to help us.

Written by Beverley A Napier

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