
Monday Devotional

For A Purpose...

I have wasted so much time in regret, thinking that my life should be much bigger than it is right now. I should have learned more, be making more money, gotten a better idea of who I am, and what my "True Purpose In Life Is". We buy books and study in groups to try to figure it out.

I give myself a hard time over the chances that I did not take, the times that I allowed fear to stop me from doing so many things. The foolish things that I did, putting myself in harms way for the sake of appearing more together that I was or ever could have been back then, Thinking that the relationships that sidetracked me were detours that I still have not recovered from. All of the reasons that I am not growing faster and becoming better than I am right now.

But then, on Thursday night, a speaker at the conference I was attending reminded me that, "Everything done to me, by me and through me was for a purpose." My life so far was to get me here. The detours, were actually side trips to places that I needed to visit in order to learn what was only being taught then and there; for my specific benefit. Even when we are not paying attention, God is orchestrating our lives. Patiently waiting for us to submit ourselves to His Will once again.

Our past is only a wasted one if we choose to see it as a waste. When we allow ourselves to be attentive to the Holy Spirit, memories of our past can serve as a travel guide to someone else. Someone who may be questioning their place and worthiness right now. If we are open to sharing what we learn, it just may allow someone else to accept God's Grace for themselves.
Even if all you do today is to help yourself to continue to seek and accept God's forgiveness; you may have served your purpose for today. And who knows what wonderful purposes He has for you tomorrow!

"I cry out to God Most High,
to God who will fulfill His purpose for me."
Psalm 57:2

Written by
Lynda Kinnard

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