
Wednesday Devotional

"Finish Well"

The Lord tells us in His word many times that being a Christian is never easy. We have a real enemy out there who hates us and is determined to wreak havoc in our lives. Daily he sets out to trip us up and stop us from living for Christ. His goal is to keep us from finishing the race well, in fact he will do whatever it takes to keep us from finishing the race at all.

The good news is that we have a God that will do whatever it takes for His people to to be successful for Him and finish the race with excellence! He is not only on our side but He equips us to fight the good fight and strengthens us in times of adversity. The Lord will carry us and supernaturally supply for us everything we need to see to it that we will complete the race to the very end.
Our God is cheering us on continuously, and letting us know that we can do it and we will never have to quit. He will see to that. He has given us the grace to keep on keeping on regardless how severe the storms may come.

That day is coming, sisters,  that we can stand together, linking arms and say with great confidence,

“I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith."
2 Timothy 4:7

In His Great Love For Us,
Sandy Billingham

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