
Wednesday Devotional

"In All Things Give Thanks"

The Lord tells us in

1 Thessalonians 5:18
"Be thankful in all circumstances
for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus."

Notice His word says to be thankful in all circumstances, not for all circumstances. We don't have to be thankful for that unexpected bill in the mail, or that recent car wreck we experienced or the extra tension at work. What God is telling us is that He wants us to have a thankful heart regardless of what we may be walking through. He is gently reminding us that thankfulness keeps our hearts in line and in tune with Him. He is with us in every situation, and will walk it out with us. God knows when we have a thankful heart, it is much easier the handle the difficult situations we all go through.

So just remember to be thankful in every circumstance, no matter how tough that may be. Then let God take care of the rest. An attitude of gratitude is always the best route to take in our daily walk with God.

In His Gratefulness,
Sandy Billingham

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