
Friday Devotional

And now abideth LOVE

And now abideth faith, hope and charity;
 but the greatest of these is
The first time I met Millie, I felt her kind sweet humble spirit. She was up in years, soft spoken, very meek and my heart went out to her with open arms.

Millie, a kind gentle elderly neighbor lady came to me last week to inquire if I knew of a day time Bible Study group that she might be able to attend, she would need a ride because she didn’t drive. As we sat in my living room, I listened to Millie unburden her heartaches and concerns of her daily life of loneliness. Millie talked of her younger years and how she was raised by the Bible and how the word of God had carried her all these years.

Compassion rose up within me as one of a mother’s heart that might be listening to a child bare the burdens of its heart. I told Millie that I didn’t know of a day time Bible Study, but if I heard of one, I would definitely let her know. After a few short minutes, Millie dismissed herself with a humble “Thank you for listening” and she left to walk down the hall to her own apartment.

This morning as I was walking out of the main entrance door to go to work, another quite distinguished looking neighbor lady was leaving at the same time. I noticed she was pushing a cart with books and a few things…I politely said “Oh you’re getting out early this morning!” and she replied “Yes, I’m on my way to Bible Study.” This immediately rang a bell as I was quickened to Millie’s inquiry. As we both walked out through the parking lot to our cars, I said to this lady… “Oh, that’s great! Do you happen to know Millie that lives down the hall?” she responded with a raised eyebrow “Yes”. I then told her that Millie mentioned to me that she was looking for a Bible Study to attend during day time hours. The neighbor lady at once posed a look of arrogance and said “Oh, Millie couldn’t handle the Bible Study that I attend, its way over her head! It’s very deep, she just wouldn’t get it.” And we parted ways.

My heart sank with injury as a scripture instantly came to mind.
God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

As I sat in my car for a few minutes thinking (with righteous indignation)….”How does that woman know that her Bible Study is too deep for Millie!” I thought of the contrast in attitudes and pondered my thoughts. Millie might not be in a Bible Study, but God’s Grace is surely with her, for surely goodness and mercy shall follow her all the days of her life.

Written by: Glenna Williamson

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