
Friday Devotional


My wonderful friend Andrea Christensen recently went through a three week training course in order to be trained and taught with her new companion “Harvarti” who would be her new “Guide Dog for the blind.”

You see, Andrea throughout the last several years has gone blind from a degenerative eye disease. She was so excited about the opportunity awarded her to attend “Seeing Guide Dog” training classes. She was learning to feel secure with her new companion….”Harvarti”. Though these training classes were challenging for both Andrea and Harvarti, they both successfully graduated from the program and were now to be together as companions, comforting one another through the obstacles of life to come.

Andrea called me several times throughout her three weeks of being away from family and each time we spoke, she was thrilled beyond words of the connection and affection that she felt towards her new escort. One might have to have an inside look to know and understand that Andrea is full of life and although blindness has been a thorn in her side, she never complained about this obstacle in her life, but she kept determination and with a full blown “Attitude Ahead,” she was ready to meet, greet and move forward in life with Havarti. Oh how she instantly bonded with Havarti with a new sense of life’s direction for both of them. Andrea had a song in her heart of Amazing Grace as she could now sing “I once was blind but now I see” of course that being in doggie language.

Upon Andrea’s arrival home after three long weeks of grueling intense training….she was quick to settle in and welcome her new little girl “ Havarti” to her new home with the Christiansen’s!

Little did Andrea know what was ahead of them, as her new love and companion soon became fatally ill shortly after their arrival home. Andrea and her family immediately took Havarti to the Vet in which in turn was admitted to a caring local Veterinarian Hospital. Andrea stayed by Havarti’s side till the end.

Andrea is now heart broken and cried out for understanding as to why God would allow this to happen. Through many tears and a heart that is broken…The Lord spoke simple words to Andrea’s daughter Jeanine that shed light on their situation. Paraphrasing words from above, the Lord revealed to them that ….no one would have loved that precious little guide dog to the end of her life, more than Andrea. And though life brings tragedy’s our way and our human minds can’t understand or comprehend God’s full picture….we can rest assured and know that in God’s infinite love….he brings those special people to humans and animals alike…that will love them unconditionally and unselfishly to the end of life’s journey..

Easter Sunday is now approaching, and my thought goes to this scenario of Andrea and Havarti. And that is … even though sometimes there is joy for a short moment in time, God has a purpose for and in all things for those who trust his judgment, and I do believe when Andrea’s heart heals, she will look back and sing the song of praise to the Lord….from her own perspective.
I once was blind, but now I see
God, you showed Havarti Amazing Grace.

For Andrea thought Havarti was there for her, but in actuality …God turned the tables, as Andrea was there for Havarti.

Written by:
Glenna Williamson


  1. Beautiful story, Glenna. Made me cry.


  2. Very nice devotional! God's plans are not our own, but always the best!
