
Friday Devotional...4/13/12

He is the Source of my Strength

Listening to the choir sing in church one Sunday, these certain words struck my heart and mind so powerfully that said “He is the source of my Strength”. The emphasis on the word “Source” is what really hit me. Source I thought, what are all the many sources that we depend on for life’s existence:

We get our source for electricity >> from power plants, windmills, generators etc.

How does the source of nutrients from the food we eat divide and go into different parts of our body for nourishment?

The source of learning and knowledge can come from books, teachers, parents, internet, experience etc.

The source of water to sustain life can come from many sources>> reservoirs, rivers, lakes, wells etc.

I may not understand the depth and length of all the many ways that take part to energize and sustain the human race through these obtainable sources whether it be out of necessity or of pleasure, but this one thing I do know, and that is… Jesus is the source for the strength of my life. There is no other place to go but to the Lord. Selah

When we look to the Lord (our source) for our strength whether we need strength in our weakness or whether we need strength for power…God is still the source of our strength. In the Bible both Sampson and David looked to the Lord (their source) for strength. Sampson for strength of power and David for strength in his humility

In the day when I cried thou answeredst me,
and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul
(Psalms 138:3)

Seek the LORD and his strength,
seek his face continually
(I Chronicles 16:11)

I found a quote from Arthur W. Pink in which he said:
(Quote) “Unbelief is infectious! The unbelief of one strengthens the unbelief of another, just as the faith of one strengthens the faith of another”

Oh Believers on the name of Jesus….
He is the source of our strength to whom we can continually look to.Selah

Written by:
Glenna Williamson

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