
Monday Devotional

I am thinking lately how fickle “feelings” are. They want to be as a bridle on a horses neck and lead me in a direction that serves them. A master of the life they reside in. The one who is in charge…Often they can rise up from a look, a word, waking up in a poor mood…To be led around by them is to be owned by a strange task master, a fickle lover, or a false friend.

One time riding by bycycle in Monterey, it began to rain. Stinging my face, hurting my hands, making me miserable. I had just started my ride, so I had a choice; turn around and hide to cover, or change my attitude…all of a sudden I got the giggles, rain dripping of my nose, hair in my eyes and me yelling, “Yahoo!” What changed my day? I began to look at creation, the light in the clouds, the feeling of water dripping off my nose, and became thankful.

God’s promises are true, no matter what the circumstances of our life are, it does not change the fact that HIS promises STAND. They are not held up by our thoughts, our feelings, or our own beliefs about something. They simply stand, supported by the one who made them.

2 Peter 1:3-5  As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature…..

Written by
Kathy Bireley

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