
Monday Devotional

"My Personal Trainer"

I totally splurged with my eating habits during this past Christmas season. I had a blast testing out the variety of sweets we had available, but now I am having to pay for it with the many added pounds. Many of you may be able to relate. I gave some serious thought as well in getting a personal trainer to help me in losing the weight I had gained. They would know what is best for me, since they are equipped to know just what each person needs. A personal trainer would teach me just the right exercises and teach me how to eat properly according to my body weight and build.

Our Heavenly Father is a lot like a personal trainer. In fact He so marvelously has created us, He knows exactly to the key what is best for each of us. He personally wants to train,teach and show us His excellant ways for us. He knows exactly how each one of us are wired and He has prepared the perfect "work out" plan for our lifes.

As we call out to the Lord as it says in Psalm 25:4
"Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths,"

the Lord is exuberantly willing to reveal His plan and His ways for us. He stands ready to train us according to His perfect ways for His sons and daughters.

I ended up not hiring a personal trainer but in essence I have had one all along. That is the Lord God Almighty who will train me well!!

Sandy Billingham

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