
Monday Devotional

“Very truly I tell you; whoever hears my word
and believes him who sent me
has eternal life and will not be judged
but has crossed over from death to life.”
John 5:24

When I read this scripture, I thought, “Really, God? Is this the scripture you wanted me to read today? I already know this, and I already believe it." He answered, “I know you do. Still, sometimes it seems as if you release a helium balloon to rise with the guilt you are repenting of; you know, letting it go, when all of a sudden just as the string goes almost out of reach you jump up and grab it and bring the balloon back down to yourself. Please read the last two phrases of the scripture I have given you.”

I read the whole thing again not just the last two phrases…always anal and a bit self-willed. I told myself that I wanted a perfect understanding of what I was expected to learn, and therefore I felt that I needed reread it a few times. I suddenly noticed that He was silent…no more still soft voice in my ear. He waited for me to get around to doing as he had asked. Finally, after several readings I got down to the task at hand. Later, when I thought about this whole episode, I imagined God laughing, perhaps even banging his head on a cloud, and saying, “Thank ME, she finally is following my request!” (After all he probably would not say “Thank God.” You get my drift?)

Those who believe and hear His word will have…
        “eternal life and will not be judged”

Wow!!! That was easy. I will live forever in God’s presence because I said, “I do,” to the marriage proposal of my divine Groom.

Those who believe and hears His word…
       “will not be judged” because she has already
      “has crossed over from death to life”

“You are trying to remind me that you have already sealed my future. I knew that, Lord.”

“Yes, my child I know you know it. But sometimes you think that you need to keep talking to me about guilt that I do not even remember. Trust me it is in the sea of forgetfulness.”

I received this scripture, not because God wanted me to relax and do as I please, there were still things that were important for me to do…not to earn but to show Him my love. I already have the gift of Him, and I will never lose it. He has made me a pearl of great price, His child, His chosen, and His beloved. I need to let go of guilt. I need to live in the gift He gave me and let go of that balloon string and all the other balloons of guilt  just like it that I keep hanging onto.

Written by Corinne Mustafa

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