
Wdnesday Devotionsl 4/18/12

"Making Christ Top Priority"

God so desires for us to put Him first in our life, from the time we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed at night. We each have a choice how we will prioritize our life.

His word tells us in Matthew 6:33

"But seek first the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness,
 and all these things
shall be added to you."

That is certainly a wonderful promise to cling to. He tells us that if we will seek Him and allow Him to be number one, that every arena of our life will be provided for and blessed. He will take care of all those things that concern us.

As we cry out to God on a daily basis and ask Him to partner with us, He is overwhelmingly ready to do just that. We are His daughters and He wants only the best for us.

Putting Christ first in all that I do is always the excellant way and worth making it a lifestyle.

In His Powerful Grace,
Sandy Billingham

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